Thursday, 25 August 2016

The day after...

It is the day after my second infusion and I have stayed home from work. Last night I was gloating thinking I had got away scot free with the side efects but was awoken early this morning with throbbing feet, aching back and feeling nauseous. Nowhere near as bad as the first time, but I struggled with myself wondering if I could go to work and get through the day. I find it really hard taking time away from work for appointments and 'this'.  However, sometimes I have to remember to be kind to myself and to my body.

It is now almost 2.00pm and the nausea has pret much subsided. Actually maybe it hasn't...someone is cooking something and the smell is making its way up to my room and I am undecided about whether I want to put my head out the window for some fresh air.

My back is still aching as well, quite considerably. I am sure by my next infusion in another 27 days, the side effects will be bearable.

I am happy to report that my mate who was diagnosed with cancer the other week had an MRI and it has not spread elsewhere. In fact they think they got it all in her recent op and will monitor her every three months. No further treatment at this stage. FRIGGING AWESOME!!!!! I am so, so happy and relieved for her. Wonderful to hear good newsπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€


  1. What a fabulous blog Tania! You are very inspiring and so brave to share your story. Thank you. how do I subscribe to your blog? So I know when you do your next post? Please put link up on Facebook each time you update

  2. Thank you Sue. To be honest I am still learning my way around. There must be some way of following which I would assume you would be advised when a new post goes up.

  3. All good now! I am number 4 follower! Keep up the good work. X

    1. Thanks again Sue and for the support. Take care xx
