Friday, 17 March 2017

Melbourne - finally here!

I have woken up this morning after my second night in Melbourne (Cobram actually) and it is just so surreal to think that I am finally here. My sister and I sit and chat away like we have never been apart and in our hearts, we haven't. Nothing compares though with actually being present in each others company.

This has been such a long awaited trip, something that has been thought about and then discussed for a little while which then made me want it to happen 'right then!' I can't tell you how magical it has been so far and so therapeutic. The first day we arrived, we went to my nieces place in Melbourne city for lunch, where we were able to catch up with my niece, her husband, meet their new baby, see our older sister whom I have not seen for many years and her very close friend whom is also like another sister. I was almost moved to tears as I hugged and held onto her. I didn't want to let go...such a wonderful afternoon catching up with everyone.

Yesterday was a chilled day here in Cobram...after sitting up drinking duty free (red wine for me) and talking the first night away once we finally arrived here (a three hour drive from Melbourne). I have even managed to have my first swim in the pool. I feel so relaxed and like I have no worries here. This afternoon we are off to the Rich Glen Olive Oil Estate for lunch and to suss out their goodies. I look forward to trying some of their flavoured olive oils and maybe bringing some home.

I have only started using olive oil since going back to see Lynda, my nutritionist and watching what I am putting into my body. The rewards are slow for now, and I hope it will only get better as I become more educated. At my last weigh in before coming here, I had lost a further 1.1 kilos in that last fortnight. You could have knocked me down with a feather as I had eaten cheesecake and ice cream, carrot cake - all remnants from my baby's 18th birthday celebration and had indulged in a 'bottle and a bit' of red wine with my cousin one evening...imagine what I could do if I was a good girl!

I will leave it here for now, time to get on with the day...times like this, you are reminded at how important family is, not just family but those who are important to you. Don't sweat the small stuff - embrace every day because you don't know when it will be your last.

Chilling by the pool with a glass of red wine, after having a couple of dips...'heaven' 
Friday 17th March 2017 - 10.18am Aussie time - 12.18pm kiwi time!
PS: Happy St Patricks Day!


  1. So glad to hear you are having a fab time! Give Kim a hug from me. Xxxx Ps we are 2 hours behind. Only 8.35 here. Xxxx

    1. Thank you Sue...having a wonderful time, will be hard to say goodbye xx

  2. Enjoy your holiday my friend you so deserve it!! xx

  3. Thank you Anna - it is wonderful being here. Hard to believe in some ways that I finally made it xx
