Friday 23 December 2016

A better day today

I just wanted to update from my post the other night. I have been pretty low the last couple of weeks but especially this past week. Yesterday I felt much better and am happy to say hubby is on the mend, which is wonderful and we even went out last night to get a couple of things. Today is my last day at work until Monday 9th January and I am so excited! I have been back at work for just over 8 momths without a break apart from the occasional sick day, so no wonder I am ready for a bit of time off.

Thank you all for the support you have shown, whether it be reading my blog, listening to my griping, sending me lovely messages of support - it is so appreciated and may there be many more years of it yet!!!!

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas - have a wonderful day with your loved ones as none of us know what is in store and when our time will be up. The most important thing in life is spending time with those you love.

Thank you again and see you all soon xx

Christmas Eve 'Eve' 2016 - 7.08am

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