Monday, 26 September 2016

Sweet Louise meeting

The Sweet Louise meeting today was great. It was a small group (7 or 8) compared to about 12 last time but we were all able to chat together as a group and chime in when you wanted to.  It is so interesting to hear other womens experiences and you almost feel quite normal! Funnily enough, a couple of ladies brought up what I was grumping about last night - the loss of those that you have invested in and it doesn't get reciprocated. It was great to hear their perspective and to know that I'm not alone in those feelings.

So all in all, a really nice bunch of ladies, some of whom have been through so much but continue to see the positives in life and to make the most of it. Really uplifting!

There is going to be a couple of ladies talk on Wednesday morning about Sweet Louise, on The Cafe (?) on TV3 so I must record it. They are trying to get the word out about what they do and how they help those with incurable breast cancer. They offer support to those that need it and every year each member gets $600 worth of Sweet Louise vouchers which can be used at various places. The reason for them is so they can be used for yourself, to spoil yourself in some way. I.e. massages, family portraits, hire-a-hubby, meals delivered, movies, gardening and the list goes on. I haven't used mine yet, still deciding on how I would like to use them. Its quite hard getting your head around the fact that you have this amount to be used on yourself when everything you have always done is for your family or others in general.

So, a positive start to the week...

Thank you to my school buddy who messaged me this evening to make sure I was ok after reading my post from last night - its truly appreciated.

Monday 26th September, 2016 - 11.13pm (cripes, no wonder I get tired at work!)

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