Wednesday 7 September 2016

My first true love...

This is me with the beautiful daddy of my babies. He died in 2001 of a stroke at the age of 38. He was such a beautiful person who loved his daughters with a passion.

Our girls were 4 years old and 2 years old when he died.

How unfair has life been to them so far...firstly their daddy dies (coping with their grief as well as mine was heart wrenching to say the least) and now at the ages of almost 20 and 17, their mum has incurable / metastatic breast cancer.

I hope I live long into their adulthood and even perhaps with families of their own. They need me...more to the point, I need them. They are the reason I was put on this earth. As much as I have wanted to see their father again, I am not ready just yet.

My beautiful girls and I taken a couple of months ago. They took me out for dinner, just the three of us. I love these girls more than life itself xx

7/9/16  -  9.48pm

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