Sunday, 15 October 2017

Giving back day

I was a volunteer for the pink ribbon street appeal today for a couple of hours. I had my ‘knowledge beats breast cancer’ tee-shirt on along with some pretty pink fairy wings and a pink fluffy tiara. It felt good to have a bit of fun while doing something so important for such a serious issue. This is my own personal feelings, not everyone feels the same way and we are all perfectly entitled to feel the way we do.  It was gteat to interact with people especially the kids. They seemed to get a bit of a kick to see an old gal dressed like a pink I don’t know what...I’d see them looking at me or pointing me out to whomever they were with and so I’d give them a wee wave, and nine times out of ten they’d come back with their donation looking ever so proud. Just gorgeous! I have to say though standing for two hours was quite tough and by the end of it, my back was aching.  Not my feet which have to hold this weight up, but my back. Cripes, these last two collections, today and daffodil day back in August help highlight how bloody useless I am. Daffodil day I collected late afternoon, and was exhausted by the end of it and we were only there for an hour, so I decided volunteering needs to be done in the morning. But now after today, apparently I may need to be a ‘sit down’ volunteer. Anything else???? But anyhow, regardless of the aches I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I got to meet new people and make people smile.

After my volunteering, I met up with a friend for lunch and had a good catch up which was great. And so home to do a bit of housework and cook dinner, even had a couple of alcoholic beverages with my big girl before settling down to watch a horror movie. And thats Saturday gone. Another 40 minutes and it will be completely gone.

I am so glad to say this week has been a much better week. I have felt relatively human again, albeit a bit of a stupid one. Major changes happening at work and so the way we all do our tasks has completely changed. I will be using a completely different system as to the majority of those at work...just a small handful of us using it and so training to use it within a live system is quite scary. I know without a doubt I will pick it up but goddam it is so bloody frustrating for the moment. I want to know it all NOW! And because I don’t, I feel so damn daft. So I have been going home feeling completely frazzled and brain dead. But I think I have it relatively easy compared to the rest of the staff.

I was shouted to a Chick Flicks movie night on Wednesday night. We saw ‘Mountain between us’ which has Kate Winslet and Idris Elba in it. Brilliant movie - I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was bloody exhausted mind you, and my eyes were starting to get heavy but I managed to make it through to the end. And good golly miss molly, thats not where it ends! Hubby and I went to my cousins last night for a barbeque and a few drinks and yes, I even had a couple of red wines! It was a lovely evening spent with family whom I haven’t seen for many years, and getting to see a cousin and her husband while here from Brisbane. They were flying back home today. So all in all, it has been a pretty busy and social week for me. Admittedly, to go out during the week especially after being at work all day, sometimes I have to dig pretty deep to make myself go. Its not that I don’t want to, its just that damn word again ‘tiredness’. Once I get there, I am ok...its simply a case of getting myself there. Other times I simply have nothing left in the tank and have to stay home to refuel, definitely if its a working day the following day. But it really does make a difference getting out and not always being stuck within four walls. Doesn’t seem to matter which four walls they are, whether it be the lounge walls or the bedroom walls. They are a safe haven most of the time but can also feel prisonlike.

And so what does this coming week bring? I have an oncology appointment Monday morning followed by my usual infusion. I will go on my own as no test results or anything, so no necessity to take anyone to take notes. And that way, I don’t need to drop anyone off at home, I can go directly to work after its all done and cut down another hour that I could have been out of the office. Next weekend is a long one, so the prospect of a three day weekend is bloody wonderful!

It really will be the countdown to Christmas then...

Sunday 15th October 2017 - 12.05am

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