Sunday 7 April 2019

Article for reading: What is it really like to have cancer

I don’t know how to add links so thought I would add this article I was talking about in tonights post which I had read in the weekend. So much of it hit home with me - constant change of feelings, from moment to moment / how sometimes I feel sad when I have actually had good news / the feeling of loneliness I talk of, even though I have so much love & support around me...please read if you can spare the time.

Its funny, I posted it on my facebook page but people just scroll past it - I had 9 likes with 4 comments, of which one was mine. People just aren’t interested...until they face it themselves either personally or with someone they are very close with. Thats us as a human race - bet you I do the same thing with other situations 😕

Sunday 7th April 2019 - 9.35pm

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