Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Celebration part 2...

I just wanted to share a few more moments from the 21st...

My sister, two nieces and boyfriend (first time meeting everyone and first visit to NZ) with my girls and I, and younger daughters young man. The two boys got on like a house on fire and both made each other as crook as a dog by the end of the night...

Monday was my next oncology appointment and infusion so my sister was able to come along and see for herself what happens. Its one thing to read about it but its another to experience it firsthand, and so she found it very enlightening. Nothing new...I did ask the oncologist if I have tumour markers as I have heard others talk about them and to begin with, I didn't have any. But mine are very good, they are stable. Apparently it isn't the number they look at but more how stable they are and so mine sit at around 8-9-10 which is good. Its another indicator of how well I am and I am doing very well!

I am on annual leave until my family go back to Australia which is Tuesday of next week. The party and being a party girl for the night has taken a lot out of me. I am still suffering from some pretty major aches and tiredness. So just chilling. While it is the birthday girls actual birthday today, and we are having a few family members come up for dinner, I am chilling out on the bed leaving everyone else to do all the work. Once I have finished updating here, I will traipse down to join the others.

What a wonderful time...how lovelyto have my family from Australia here - its like we are never apart. My older niece and her young man have flown back to Melbourne this afternoon, they start back at work in the next few days. I look forward to chilling out for the remainder of my time off work and even when I go back, it will be a short week - three days.

On that note, I will leave it there and join the rest of the whanau. I may even have a brandy and ginger ale...

Happy 21st birthday to my beautiful big girl 💜❤️💚💛

Tuesday 19th September 2017 - 6.20pm

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