Tuesday, 26 December 2017

A wonderful Christmas Day (2017)

Christmas Day is over...all that mental running around and stress of what to buy who, what goodies to eat is over for another year. I think I was pretty ok...I pretty much had mine sorted early on and just had to go to the supermarket first thing Christmas Eve to get the fresh goods we needed. So I was there a few minutes before opening...with about 100 other people!!!!! What a crack up! It was a jam trying to get a trolley and it was slow going through the first few aisles but it was completely worth it! I was done and dusted, back home by 9.00am...even stopping into The Warehouse to get myself a sunhat - I was pretty damn happy with myself.

Since my baby girl and her honey weren’t going to be home Christmas morning, we had decided we would do presents after we got home from the beach, so basically it was get up in the morning, put the cold foods and drinks into the chilly bins, load up the car and off we go. Hubby had loaded the car up the night before with the towels, and anything else which was able to be...it was great. We were on our way before 8.00am.

It was just the best day ever! It was exactly what I had hoped for. We were the second ones to arrive (9.00am) (the first ones had stolen our usual area) and we tried to spread ourselves out (all three of us) in the anticipation of baby girls ‘other’ family arriving. The sun was shining, the water was beautiful and sparkly. We had brekky as soon as we were unloaded, and I was off for a swim pretty much as soon as my food settled. It was such a relaxing day...baby girl and her honey and his lovely family arrived about lunch time I think - it was lovely sharing the day with them. A really lovely family...the kids are great - it honestly was such an enjoyable day. Its nice to have little kiddies around on Christmas Day, they make it a little more fun I think. We didn’t leave until 8.00pm so had definitely been there making the most of the day. Hubby went for a walk around the rocks to do some fishing and came home with a snapper (although he didn’t say anything until we got home) and the other guys went diving and the sisters and kids all went for a walk. Nana is in a moonboot, so her and I sat and chatted away. A tough day for her, with being the first one without her husband. We talk often, I’m not afraid to ask questions about how she is feeling because I understand completely. It was nice being able to chat away as my days of being able to do that long walk or look under rocks etc is over. My back can’t handle it anymore but thats ok...I can still enjoy everything else about it. I was exhausted by the end of the day and could quite easily have jumped straight into bed but we waited for baby girl and her honey to come home to open pressies. A nice end to a beautiful day.

I heard my baby make the comment that some of her friends were saying how boring their Christmas Day was and it kind of solidified what I had been blogging about Christmas Eve when I was a kid and how boring I always found it. And I could tell by the way she said it, that she was pleased that we were all having such a good day and that warmed my heart more than anything else. Christmas is such an important day to me, and important it is an enjoyable day for the girls. Obviously it is changing now with them being older and it does sadden me sometimes that we are such a small family but helloooooo, no changing it now...until grandbabies start to appear and my big girl decides she is ready to meet someone. She is happy as she is...

And so as usual, I have come home sunburnt. I really thought I may have finally learnt my lesson and stayed out of the sun and kept my sunhat on all day but it wasn’t to be...I think I need to just face it. I am a sun bunny, albeit an old one now! But the sun is like a beacon to me...if I see a patch of it, I need to be sitting in it. My big girl is also sunburnt which is actually unusual for her. She’s normally pretty good about lathering that terrible stuff all over herself.

Its Boxing Day now. We are all lazing around in bed except my little girl. She had to work today but is happy because she has an early shift, finishing at 2.00pm. I am back to work tomorrow for three days and then another 4 day weekend - woohoo!!!!

And so the chapter ends for another Christmas but will continue to hold lots of good memories. I can finally tick it off my ridiculously small bucket list but honestly I just can’t wipe the smile off my face thinking about yesterday. What a bloody awesome day...bloody loved every minute of it!!!!

Time now for a cuppa and some toast🙂

Boxing Day 2017 - 10.28am

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