I finally came to the realisation that working fulltime is just too much for me now. After crashing and burning on Tuesday, when I went back to work on Wednesday, I talked with my supervisor. We hashed shit out which was great - he has been great actually! So I now work Mon to Thurs so had this last Fri off work and my god, I cannot believe how much of a diffference it feels to have three days off, but also knowing it can be ongoing if I wish it to be. I should have said I am trialling it for a wee while as well as tweaking my morn starts. Depending on how I feel - if I get to work early like I normally do, I finish 8 hours later...if I need to lie in a bit later, I will do and have a slightly later start. Hopefully these things will make a massive difference to how I get thru the week.
I have lowered the dose of oxynorm I am taking and given up the oxycodene as it was a terrible combination. I still take paracetamol 4 hourly and unfortunately I am getting break thru pain at various times, but after the fog I have been living in over the last month, I feel so much better and am quite happy to stay this way for a wee while. We’ll see how it goes. Maybe after the new year, I’ll re-look at it with my GP but for now I need a break and am enjoying being awake.
I am also thinking my upped happy pills may be finally kicking in...or its a combination of everything. I even went out on Fri and started my Christmas shopping. I’m buying bugger all this year but I could feel some of my Christmas mojo creeping back in - I’ve always loved Christmas, from when I had my beautiful babies.
Thank goodness I feel a bit of normality again...its bloody awful feeling so crap...
Sunday 25th November 2018 - 4.08pm
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