Sunday, 25 March 2018

Enjoying an afternoon with my beautiful girls

Its Sunday evening, I’m just chilling out watching a bit of TV, reflecting on the weekend. I never know from one weekend to the next how sociable I am going to feel but this weekend has been really lovely. It always feel productive when I have left the house to go somewhere. The weekends I don’t feel like going anywhere or doing anything are good too. They are obviously down times that I need to just stop and rest.

I had a lovely dinner out last night with friends, at this amazingly beautiful thai restaurant. I definitely want to go back with my family and share the experience of this beautiful labarynth with them.

This afternoon I have spent out with my two beautiful love, my life, my reason for living. We went out for lunch and spent a couple of hours talking and laughing. We had lunch at Crystal Mountain which is just down the road from us and is a place where we used to often go as the girls loved looking at all the crystals. And after lunch we had a nosy in the shop again...first time in so many years, still oohing and ahhing at everything. 

How thankful I am to have such a relationship with these beautiful young woman. While they have their own lives, they never without a doubt have time for their ol’ mum. How sad for those families who don’t have that closeness. I was listening to my baby girl talking with her uncle (‘hubby’ uncle) on Friday night about the Niuean language. She was asking how to say words, the correct pronounciation and he was patiently explaining things to her. It was like they had a special connection...I couldn’t help but smile watching them while at the same time, it brought tears to my eyes.

I had to share this...I wanted it to be a memory the girls can read back on, in years to come. I want to be able to read this and remember it. You think you are going to remember every little thing but as time goes by, memories fade as new ones come and take over and new ones come to replace those ones and so on...I want to remember this afternoon forever ❤️❤️❤️

Sunday 25th March 2018 - 10.25pm

Saturday, 24 March 2018

The generosity of others

My heart feels like it is overflowing...there is so much unkindness and unhappiness in the world and yet there are moments of the exact opposite which blow me away. Learning to accept these moments and thoughts of kindness can be hard but certainly through this journey, I have had to learn to accept the generosity of others with the graciousness of which it is offered. People do things for others because they want to, and I understand this, because I have always been one of those people too - not feeling it quite so much these thought often but fall short of following through.

I had wanted to do a raffle to raise funds for Sweet Louise as well as raise awareness of what they do,  I had requested help from a friend with the prize (doing stuff for breast cancer research is close to her heart too). This lady was donating some of her beautiful homemade natural products...then I spoke to one of my young friends at work for her advice on how to deal with the ticket selling on she went to her executive meeting and suggested that work get involved with this raffle where a lot more money would get raised and awareness made to more people...the tickets are now selling...we have done a raffle for staff and friends & family which we don’t usually do. I put a post on fb for my family & friends, and so many people have purchased tickets and I’m not talking about just one ticket, although there is nothing wrong with buying one ticket!

All those acts of kindness within one scenerio is just so heartwarming. And then it is followed up by the generosity of family members who have taken it upon themselves to make arrangements for me to go down and stay with them in Opotiki for Easter weekend. I had wanted to go down in January after coming back from Melbourne but ended up having car problems. So I said I would try and make it down for Easter but as it has drawn closer, the thought of using two days to do a four or so hour drive each way is too much. I thought I would just stay home and chill for the four days instead...but these lovely people have arranged for me to fly down Good Friday and will drive me home again. How could I ever say no to such a generous offer? Actually it was hard saying yes, but only because I find it quite hard accepting  such gifts.

So you see, all of these things - these wonderful, wonderful acts of kindness have reminded me of how kind people can be...I thank my lovely BodyGarden lady for her beautiful products, I thank my young friend for her generosity of opening the raffle up, I thank each and every person who has kindly purchased raffle tickets...and they don’t just live here in Auckland, they live up north, down the line and overseas and I thank my cousins in Opotiki who have allowed me the opportunity of spending Easter with them. I feel truly humbled by your kindness, all of you - thank you 💜 xx

To add to the warm fuzzies, I had an oncology massage last night using some of my Sweet Louise vouchers. Each year we get an allocation of $500.00 with a booklet advising us where they can be used. This is my third year of receiving them but I have never used them. I would put them away and completely forget about them.

 This year, after a reminder from my area co-ordinator, I was determined to make use of them and it feels great. My back felt so, I don’t even know how to explain it...I felt a bit lightheaded afterwards which was a bit freaky but it eventually dissapated. I think I will go back again. There was a couple of knots which the therapist said wouldn’t let her kneed out 100%, almost but not quite. So maybe a second opportunity will do the trick. And tonight I am off out for dinner with a couple of friends. We don’t get to catch up properly very often so I’m looking really forward to it - the whole thing...chatting & catching up and eating out for dinner.

My birthday falls next Thursday and I have taken the day off work...not something I usually do but since it falls right next to Easter thoughtwhat an awesome opportunity to extend a long weekend by making it even longer! I am going out for dinner with my a place I’ve never been before which is great. I love trying new places! So the big 53 this year. I am so proud of my age...people especially women don’t like to admit their age but I think it is a privilege to be able to age...lets do it gracefully and be grateful. There are so many who haven’t been given the was taken away from them for whatever reason...”embrace your age and be proud!”

Before I sign off, one more thought for the day...lets be kind to one another. It doesn’t have to be a big majestic gesture - something as simple as ringing someone out of the blue to say ‘hey’, or tell someone how lovely they look today. Drop a packet of choccie biscuits in to someone...or ask if they need to do a spot of shopping, or go for a drive to escape the humdrum of life...

Saturday 24th March 2018 - 10.29am

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Thoughts of others at such a tough time

What an awful day yesterday was...

I had heard two separate but completely devastating pieces of news - news that tears at the hearts of families and loved ones involved and unless you are made of stone, cannot help but be moved by their plight.

Sometimes we forget how fragile life is and how quickly it can be taken away from us. The choices we make can be the difference whether we live or die. To lose your life outright is one thing, especially if it is sprung upon your loved ones without any warning. To be given a life sentence - a shortened one is incomprehensible. Both situations are...neither one is worse than the other - they are both horrendous.  For those who have lost a loved one suddenly grief instantly sets in and your loved ones are left contemplating what on earth happened?  How could this have happened? And you attempt to go through the motions of life, when in fact your life has forever been changed by the sudden loss of your loved one.

When you are given the devastating news that your life expectancy has been cut short by some rotten disease or condition which has wormed its way into your body, how do you comprehend that? How can you continue to carry on with ‘life’, putting one foot in front of the other, also going through the motions of life as the dreaded condition infiltrates more as time goes by. Life as you have known it has come screeching to a halt. Not just for the person diagnosed, but for loved ones around too. The ones who will need to pick up and carry on ensuring bills are still paid, dinner is still cooked, shopping is still done and so on. These people will also need to pick up and carry on after their loved one has gone. The truly cruel and dispicable twist can be that there may he drugs available which could give more time with loved ones but the ‘cost’ of it is out of reach unless you are extremely well off financially, or are willing to to put yourself in dire financial straits - adding horrendous costs to your mortgage. This is the financial cost only...what about the emotional cost involved? How do you cope with those?

I have always said in my journey, although unlucky being diagnosed with a terminal disease, I am so lucky...I keep very good health and hearing of these two families whose lives have been completely devastated emphasises it greatly.

Do I feel guilty? Partly but mostly grateful. Although I also feel guilt in feeling grateful - even though I know this is not how they would want me or anyone else, to feel.

And so my love and thoughts are with these families and I wish with all my might there was something I could do to ease their pain.

Tuesday 13th March 2018 - 7.52pm

Sunday, 11 March 2018

March already

Where does the time go? Ten weeks of 2018 have gone already. While it feels like this time has gone really quickly, the whole year doesn’t feel like its going that quick, at the time. Not until you look back at it...and you think “where did that time go?” I don’t even know if that makes sense. I know what I’m saying, it doesn’t always make sense to anyone else.

Its Sunday evening...another week looming up. Its felt like a really productive weekend...sometimes I just don’t have it in me to do anything in the weekends. Its not even that. Sometimes I just simply don’t want to do anything. I don’t feel like being sociable yet for the last two Wednesday evenings, I have met up with a friend to spend time with them and catch up. Its almost like I have felt more sociable during the least it seems I have learnt my lesson - I am aware of my limitations and now only allw myself to go out one night a week. Otherwise the tiredness catches up on me something chronic.

These passed two days have been more social for me than I have been in what feels like a long time and I’ve enjoyed it. Caught up with a friend for lunch yesterday. We haven’t seen each other since before Christmas and so it felt great to catch up. We spent the whole afternoon together, and once I dropped her home, I was able to go home and enjoy having the place to myself. It was great! I don’t know what it is about being alone in the house but man do I relish it. And then today, my younger daughter and I volunteered for the SPCA annual street collection.

It was great, I really enjoyed it, engaging with people I don’t know and doing something to help animals in need. My baby girl and I are both sops when it comes to animals and some of the god awful stories you hear about how they are treated, I just want to hunt those people down and rip their throats out. But it felt really, really great to be doing something and it not relate to breast cancer.

I teally feel like I have turned a corner and cancer is no longer the focus of my life. Its still there and I am happy to talk about it if it comes up in conversation. But majority of the time, it doesn’t...I am just feels so liberating and I feel free...bizzare eh...

We have a storm heading for us overnight / tomorrow morning...this evening the sky was a beautiful orangey colour. Not sure if thats an indicator to an impending storm or not but it sure was pretty to look at.

I had my usual zometa infusion last Monday - it all went according to plan apart from the usual dramatics of finding a vein. Some times are better than others - this one was a little challenging. Took about three goes before success reigned upon us...not just the nuisance of not finding a vein bit when she did, it bloody well hurt like crap when trying to put the needle in. A butterfly needle, which is the smallest one you can get! I try not to be a woose about it when you think about other crap you’ve experienced and its not their fault I have crappy, tired, scarred veins. The nurse did query the possibility of me getting a port put in but I will fight that for a little while yet. While they may not have success the first time round, so far, a vein has always been found. I’d like to wait until they really have issues finding one, and more than once - in a row.

Today I am reminded how lucky I am...while having been diagnosed stage 4 breast cancer, I am lucky to be doing so well and have the good health that I do. Others are not so lucky and so my love and thoughts go out to those and their loved ones 💜

Sunday 11th March 2018 - 10.35pm