Thursday, 26 December 2019

Boxing Day - 2019

All that crazy madness we call Christmas, is over for another year! Its Boxing Day and we are all just chilling out, sleeping the day away.

Our. Christmas day started right at the stroke of midnight as the day snuck in amongst the stars and darkness. My girls and I were running around yelling “Merry Christmas!” and hugging each other. We were all awake except my younger daughters man, but with my foghorn of a voice yelling in his room, the poor guy shot straight up out of bed thinking it was time to leave for the beach! It was hilarious!!!! I don’t think he thought so...and so so we decided to open our pressies there and then, instead of having to wait til the end of the day, after returning from the beach. It was fun! Lots of noise, and oohs and aahs and laughter. And so we decided after pressies,  to have a couple of shots before all heading back off to bed. Yummo! It was peach liquer, blue curo something a-rather (a blue liquer) mixed with raspberry syrup. OMG! It was just the best...I wasn’t happy with just one, I decided I’d quite like a second one and man, was I feeling rather warm afterwards! What a brilliant way to start the day. So then we all toddled off to our beds and promptly fell asleep, except for me. I tossed and turned, tossed and turned and ended up not having any sleep whatsoever...and a bit worried about driving to the beach but I was fine. Wide awake in fact. Hubby got picked up at 5.30am by his brother as they were spending Christmas with their mum and putting an umu down. Big girl and I loaded the chilly bins up and then the car and we were up the beach by 11.00am. The others didn’t arrive until about 1.00pm & 2pm because apparently the traffic was absolute bedlam. When we left, it was great! So it was a quiet chilled out day. It was a bit chilly at times. My big girl & her aunty went for a swim. While I wanted to, I like to be roasting hot when I hut the water.

I am so grateful my sister-in law & nieces & nephew were with us.  It was lovely to have the company and they were an absolute blessing to have. They helped me to tidy our food away back into chilly bins and pack the car up again. I was in significant pain by that time (bout 6pm). I’d spent a lot of time lying on the ground, luckily I took my pillow and when I wasn’t lying down, I was either sitting in my camping chair or at the barbeque table. My sister in law offered to drive me home, as her kids had driven her up in one of their cars. I jumped at the offer! While I felt okay, I felt much safer knowing someone else was going to drive. I can’t really express how grateful I am for their help. It really has magnified yet something else. I think maybe my beach days might be over, or maybe shorter trips instead of the whole day. I can always go so long as someone else is driving, my big girl has already put her hand up which is lovely. But I get so uncomfortable and I have spent most of today, recovering. I have been so sore, hardly able to move when I first woke to take my first lot of pain meds. I’ve slept most of the day, today so I guess finally catching up on lost sleep from the previous night.  Even now, I can feel my eyes drooping and I’ve taken my last lot of pain meds. They’ve been knocking me around quite a lot lately.

But the one thing I like about the day after Christmas, is the left overs! No cooking, yet dinner and pudding  ready at your finger tips. I made an ambrosia on Christmas Eve to have at home on our return after the beach. Too hard to take pudding up and trying to keep them cold and not covering everything else in cream...I was exhausted by the time we got home and had a bit to eat. Ate nothing but rubbish at the beach. Simply too lazy to get something proper to ear so simply filled upon bloody rubbish.

This post is really to express my thanks to my sister in law (and all the others) as their caring and help made things so much easier. I am honestly so limited in what I can handle nowadays. I know a certain someone was worried about me, because she said so a number of times. I think it was eye opening for her to see me all day and to see first hand how much I have changed and the limitstions placed upon me now. Even going for a walk along the beach, on the rocks looking for crabs & sea life, she kept telling me to careful in case I slipped over. Can you imagine having to haul my heavy ass back to where we were camped up for the day...Poor Shell!

And so there we go! Yet another Christmas done and dusted. Now counting the days to seeing the new year in. Gosh, I hope its a good one for us all. The start of another decade...2020. I remember watching space movies when I was a kid and the futuristic dates were always around the 21st century and now we are coming into the second decade of it!

It will be 19 years since Davids passing. He’s been on my mind a lot lately. Remembering before the kids, how much I loved him and how lovey dovey we used to be, and I’d tell him how happy I was and he always sounded so surprised by it. We certainly weren’t the perfect couple by any means but we had our good times along with the bad, like everyone. He’s on my mind so much, I can almost feel his arms around me at times. Nothing at all against hubby - simply memories flooding back along with feelings of sadness and what might have been...

Boxing Day 2019 - 10.19pm

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