The humidity has been so intense and in all honesty, to begin with I thought ‘oh no, the hot flushes of menopause are starting!’ But then it felt like I was having one long constant hot flush lasting from when I wake up to when I finally go to sleep!!! And I thought that can’t be right, so checked the weather app....gawd, what a relief when I read it was 100% humidity...relief but no relief if you know what I mean. Each morning I pack my small desk fan and take it to workwith me and then at the end of the day, pack it back up again to bring home to sit beside me while in bed. We’be got aircon at work but its so bloody temperamental, this wee fan does the job perfectly. Our aircon unit here at home has been an absolute blessing. So glad we got it installed - something I had wanted for a long time and the government scheme we have has enabled us to do it, otherwise we’d probably be suffering the heat. Its definitely been getting a thrashing this summer! Just wish hubby would remember the front and back doors need to be kept shut otherwise the coolness escapes and gets swallowed up.
Next treatment will be Monday week (5th March) - another month will be gone. These first two have zipped by pretty damn quickly. My next actual oncology appointment isn’t until end of April - a four month break since the previous one. Mainly due to Easter falling at the time when my April treatment is due. I’ll have that on the Tuesday instead of the Monday (Easter Monday) but my oncologist won’t have clinic that day, hence leaving it a further four weeks to see me next. My birthday falls the day before Good Friday, so I have decided to take the day off. I don’t ever usually do that but the thought of having a five day weekend was just too good to pass by! Pretty bloody excited by it too. Not quite sure what I’ll be doing at this stage but either way, some downtime will be great.
I spent some time with one of my young friends one evening last week...we laughed and talked for hours. It was just lovely!
Looks like another beautiful day is upon us - a bit of cripesness in the air which I am probably won’t hang around too long. I had told my big girl yesterday we would try and do something today, so will need to put that thinking cap on.
Sunday 25th February 2018 - 8.02am